Is Zoloft For ADHD a Help Or Hindrance?
After you are finished reading this article, you are going to understand why Zoloft might not be the best choice for treating ADHD. Zoloft for ADHD is not a recognized treatment for ADHD but it has been known to help alleviate the symptoms of ADHD in some people. Also Ritalin and Adderall in smaller doses are given along with Zoloft.
Because people with ADHD sometimes have OCD, anxiety and depression Zoloft and ADHD treatment are used together. Zoloft for ADHD treatment has dangerous interactions and side effects when taken alone. Zoloft and ADHD can ease many symptoms of ADHD. Besides the psychological symptoms of anxiety, hostility, mania and panic attacks, the physical side effects can include muscle spasms, skin rashes, jaundice, heart and visions problems to name a few.
Zoloft for ADHD treatment must be carefully followed by a doctor, especially if the patient is taking other drugs like Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors (MAOs). The two drugs combined can be fatal. Care must also be taken when switching from one drug like Zoloft to another serotonin selective reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) drug.
Children and adolescents taking Zoloft for ADHD treatments have reported intense aggression, homicidal behavior, and suicidal thoughts. The two teenagers who killed their peers and then themselves at the infamous Columbine shooting were taking SSRI prescription meds.
No parent wants to risk the mental and physical problems created by drugs like Zoloft or other potent prescription drugs. If you search for alternatiave treatments you can find many alternatives that work in a similar fashion without the side effects. Natural supplements and homeopathic remedies have been shown to have positive results with the symptoms of ADHD.
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