Friday, 11 November 2011

Best foods to build muscle mass for women men and lose fat fast best food to gain muscle mass

What Are The Best Foods For Building Muscle?

Weightlifters and body builders need to look after their diet, especially if they want to increase their musculature. The main thing that the body needs in order to build muscle is protein. This is because protein contains the essential amino acids, which along with non-essential amino acids are what the body requires for the manufacture of muscle.

So, what are the best sources of protein? Chicken, turkey, fish and shellfish, dairy products, red meats, nuts, peas, beans, some grains and eggs are all excellent sources of protein. The problem with those is that some of them are also high in saturated fats, particularly those derived from red meats. It is therefore necessary to ensure that you choose the leanest meat available as well as choosing other low-fat products. Select skimmed milk and cottage cheese instead of the full-fat varieties of dairy products.

When you are cooking your meats, unless you happen to like them raw, make sure that you do not overcook them or at too high a temperature. Excessive heat damages protein and make it less usable.

Although protein is what is needed for building muscle it is important that you remember to make sure that your diet is a balanced one. A balanced diet must contain carbohydrate, protein, fat, vitamins, mineral salts and fiber. You can obtain a balanced diet if you eat from the four main food groups.

You should also remember the importance of eating regularly. This does not mean eating 3 large meals a day. Many of the calories within food are used up simply by the process of digestion. If you eat 6 small meals a day, this will help maintain the protein level in a way that muscle is built. It can also help regulate insulin levels.

Carbohydrates are what provide the body with most of its energy. Most of our carbohydrates are obtained in the form of starch, and this is found in potato, rice, spaghetti, yams, bread and cereals.

You should eat a lot of fresh fruit and vegetables. These are a good source of vitamins. It is important that when you are cooking your vegetables that you do not overcook them as this will destroy the nutrients. Steam them instead of boiling or roasting them. Ideally, take them raw. There is nothing wrong with frozen vegetables. They are usually frozen within a few hours of harvesting and so the goodness is retained. Store-bought 'fresh' vegetables might have been out of the ground for several days, by which time the nutrients have started to deteriorate.

Definitely do not take sugar. This is found in candy; soda; cakes; pies; cookies; donuts and other highly refined carbohydrates. Also remember that fruits have what is called natural sugar and can raise your sugar levels. Sugar molecules draw fluids away from the tissue in your body causing dehydration. Although it is not always possible to know what foods do contain sugar, the above certainly do, so you want to avoid them.

In conclusion, though protein in all it forms is the best muscle building food, it is important that you take your protein as part of a balanced diet. Eating healthy and living healthy is important in all walks of life so take charge and stay healthy.

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