How to Lose Weight Quickly Without Exercise Lose 1 Inch From Your Waist Every Week
You might be wondering if it is possible to lose weight without exercising. Well, let me tell you from experience that it is not only possible, but you can also lose it rather fast, and if done properly you can also keep it off for your whole life. On top of this, you will be glad to know that it is not really essential to go to the gym or work out for hours in order to lose weight and keep a nice figure. So relax and let me give you some tips that have worked well for me.
First of all: NO SUGAR, this also means no artificial sweeteners. These might be even worse than plain sugar! Now, don't stop reading! You have to realize that sugar won't make any good for you and I could give you many reasons, but all you need to know is that sugar will make you fat. However, you could try alternatives such as agave honey and stevia to sweeten almost whatever you like without gaining weight and these taste as good as the "real" thing. See? It is not that bad after all!
You should also try to stick to organic and unprocessed foods. Nutritionist Isabel de los Rios explains how our body tends to store almost all processed foods as fat. If you keep your meals as healthy and natural as possible it won't be hard for your body to digest them and start burning that fat reserve that is keeping you from your ideal weight.
Well, we all know that it is easier said than done, and many of us are not willing to quit our favorite meals all at once. This is OK! You can give up just one at a time or try replacing some of the ingredients for healthier and equally tasty ones. In her books, Isabel also explains how not all fats and carbs are bad for you. She recommends to cut all refined carbs and replace them with options such as oatmeal, quinoa, brown rice and breads made from spelt and germinated grains.
Also, avoid skipping breakfast. In our fight against overweight and because of our hectic modern lifestyle, many off us have decided to skip some meals (often to replace them with a coffee or a ciggy). Even when this seems to work well at the beginning, be aware that this bad habit makes you go straight into diet plateau. Meaning that sooner than later, you will stop losing weight and bounce back.
To avoid stressing your body and to burn excess fat, top nutritionists recommend to make 4 meals a day. Now, it doesn't have to be too elaborate, you can try easy snacks like veggies with hummus, raw nuts and fruits. I have also tried diets that use Calorie Shifting techniques, which in my experience work really well as I only follow a kind off strict diet for 11 days and then relax for 3 days, when I allow myself to eat anything I want. This help me keep on my diet, as I don't feel I'm losing on anything.
Remember that you don't need to spend all your time and money on fancy gyms in order to lose weight. Keep motivated and make some healthy and easy changes to your lifestyle and cooking ingredients and you'll start to see the results soon.
I hope these tips were somehow helpful to you. If you feel like you might need more help to achieve your ideal weight, I strongly recommend you to look for a structured guide and nutrition plan, click to read my Diet Solution Book Review on Isabel de los Rios's Diet Solution Progam.
Taking healthy food in daily life is the best answer to the questions asked as How to Lose Weight Quickly